Fiber-Optic Subscribers Nearly Reach 1 Million in Latin America

As wireless data grows at a rapid pace in Latin America, so does fixed line fiber-optics. Mostly, in the form of cable television, and high speed internet connections. This is good news for investors, and even better news for those in the telecom services market. According to reports, subscribers to fiber-optic services in Latin America increased by 112% last year alone, boosting the overall coverage to 839,400 households on the continent.

According to estimates from market researcher “Idate”, fiber services were also expanded by 31%, for a coverage of 6.2 million homes. In Brazil, the offer doubled to 1.2 million households, which corresponds to 2 percent of homes in the country. Across Latin America, the technology is available to 13.4 percent of households. The broadest coverage is in Uruguay (22%), Argentina (9%), Mexico (9%) and Chile (7%).

These numbers are expected to grow nearly as rapidly as wireless data, which is also expected to cross 100% annually for the next five years. This will bode well for companies looking to invest into the region, as demand may soon surpass supply, especially when regarding home-grown companies. There simply isn’t enough infrastructure to cover the predicted demand as it is, so new networks, fiber lines, and services are popping up with breakneck speed.